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Early in 2020, Spirax-Sarco Engineering plc (Spirax Sarco), partnered with Talking Talent to enhance their support for working parents and carers across the UK, with a focus on providing an inclusive offer that spoke to all parents.

Spirax Sarco wanted to supercharge their existing inclusion programmes by offering accessible, confidential, and high-quality third-party coaching support.

Project Overview

Spirax-Sarco believes in safe, inclusive, supportive workplaces where all of their people can be themselves and perform their best.
Personal wellbeing and looking out for the wellbeing of those around is a big part of this, which can be a real challenge when you’re a new parent or have caring responsibilities to juggle with work. Being able to provide advice and guidance to employees, at whatever time of the day or night they need support, is a really practical way to make a positive difference to life at work and beyond.

The Solution

The result was Talking Talent Online – a digital coaching platform that provides 24-hour access to personalised advice from world-class coaches specialising in the issues most challenging to working parents, as well as offering advice and training to managers of first-time parents.


Personal wellbeing… can be a real challenge when you’re a new parent or have caring responsibilities to juggle with work so being able to provide advice and guidance to employees, at whatever time of the day or night they need support, is a really practical way to make a positive difference to life at work and beyond.

The Outcome

Talking Talent Online is an online coaching experience that’s truly personalised for each and every employee – it’s user-driven and user-centric. Unlike traditional learning management systems, Talking Talent Online does not just ‘deliver content’, rather it supports thoughtful decision-making, reflection and exploration. By giving users decision points such as ‘I want more help’ or ‘I’m feeling ready’, the AI-powered logic ensures that the user journey is self-directed, encouraging individuals to build the habit of checking in with themselves, as would any other coaching relationship.

There’s also a unique feature called ASK A COACH which allows individuals around the world to connect confidentially with world-class, specialist coaches.

Talking Talent Online was designed to meet all parents’ needs – anywhere, at any time, in the way they need it e.g. 2 minutes of help at midnight, or a 15-minute wellbeing break at lunchtime. The average person logs in twice a week and spends 3-minutes per session.

Want to read more?

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