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Want to build a more inclusive culture within your organisation? Ready to support all your people and help them perform at their best? Looking to join a network of world-class coaches and take on the workplace’s biggest challenges? Then let’s talk.

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Contact details

General enquiries


Milton Gate, 60 Chiswell Street, London, EC1Y 4AG, United Kingdom

T: +44 (0)1491 821850


1350 Avenue of the Americas, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10019, United States of America

T: +1 212-612-3329

Media enquiries

Marketing Team

E: Marketing@talking-talent.com

Financial enquiries

Global Finance Team

E: accounts@talking-talent.com

T: +44 (0)1491 821850

Expertise & Qualifications


  • Career Exploration
  • Authentic Leadership and Confidence Building
  • Culture Change
  • Team Building


  • ACC – Accredited Coach (ICF)​
  • Master Certified Life Coach
  • MS Human Resources Management

Michelle is a retired V-Suite advisor and Senior Strategic Human Resources Leader with over 37 years of experience with Global 500 companies.

Deeply passionate about leadership, inclusion, and the advancement of women and people of color in corporate spaces, Michelle has harnessed her expertise in executive leadership, succession planning, talent management, and coaching to lead and provide consultation on various regional and cross-functional initiatives aimed at improving the workplace experience, particularly for underrepresented individuals.

She has partnered with people at all organizational levels, from Senior Vice Presidents to individual contributors. She empowers and inspires individuals to pursue leadership roles and authentically navigate corporate environments, especially women and people of color.

Michelle is known for her transparency, courage, and servant leadership. She believes in coaching’s transformative power and has witnessed its positive impact on numerous lives, including hers. Her mantra is “grow wherever you’re planted.”